Thursday, May 10, 2012

How do you look at life?

Many people have different outlooks on life but here this woman is urging those in the audience and those who are watching this video to view life in the way she now see's it however she doesn't say you have to do this now.  The speaker wants you to know that when a hard situation comes along all these great things will happen to you, like they did to her, but this is not in every case because circumstance are always different.  Such as the people that surround you, your previous health, experiences and more.  This is all taken from her perspective, her own experience, and is trying to encourage others that when something like this happens to them, they can be lifted up by the positive experiences she has had with it.  Because this on the outside appears to be a negative situation however she has had the pleasure of seeing a whole other side of it.  I think its interesting that she does show pictures of her tumor and scars because that is demonstrating to the audience a sad or negative side of things but I think that is good that even though she turns that into a positive, pictures allow the viewers to think for themselves.  

1 comment:

  1. The video was very moving emotionally and it was important to be so in order to prove the point. Deep in the talk there is an argument perhaps that people refuse to see the good out of the bad in life like she obviously did. Also as Sammy noted I think it is key that she showed the pictures and mentioned that she would not wish what she went through upon anyone despite calling it a gift. The whole talk is really just an argument for an appreciation of life.
