Sunday, May 13, 2012

I find this picture interesting because it shows what I am assuming to be college graduates receiving their diplomas before walking through a door labeled "unemployment."  College is supposed to prepare students for just the opposite.  You go to college in order to gain skills to make employment more easily accessed.  The illustrator is clearly trying to convey a message about college and if it is really worth time or just a waste of money perhaps.  Looking at this picture makes me think that if after college unemployment is waiting, then what is the point in going at all?


  1. Levi,
    This is a great photo. Its very ironic that we go to college to receive a degree and prevent unemployment, when in actuality we are not necessarily better off. Getting a piece of paper doesn't always "seal the deal" on getting a job. I think this photo addresses a really serious issue of countless college grads spending thousands of dollars on their education to get a degree, yet they are left with piling debt from student loans and unemployment. Instead of relieving them of future money troubles by getting them a good job, they actually make their financial situation even more stressful for themselves.

  2. The fact that the picture is vague helps to display a bit about how the author feels. I notice that no particular major is singled-out, nor is there an indication as to what type of university the students are coming from. I think Levi and Alex make a great point about the monetary issue. I feel that is essentially what the author is getting at but does not use the image of money explicitly to make that point.
